Friday, March 18, 2011

Kidney Cancer (Part 1): Early Signs Learn To Avoid Risk of Death

Kidney is like 'mother of all liquid "inside the human body. This is because it is the main process to maintain the chemical balance in our body fluids. Function as a filter, make sure materials that the kidneys are not removed in the form required by the body in urine. Try to imagine if your kidneys fail to carry out its responsibilities, of course, your life becomes difficult.

Kidney cancer may not be so popular over the breast or prostate cancer because it involves three percent of the adult population of each country. But the concern is the increasing number of patients, especially among elderly men aged 60 to 70 years and it is categorized as a major cancer worldwide cause of death.

At the end of frequently detected 
Tues carcinoma or RCC Kidney is one type of kidney cancer is the most commonly detected. Each year, the incidence of RCC in the world increased by 2 percent.

Like many other cancer patients, cases of RCC is often detected when cancer cells itusudah in the third and fourth stages. Cancer treatment will be more difficult if it spreads to other organs or body parts (metastatic).  

Studies show nearly 30 percent of patients with metastatic kidney cancer during their illness detected. In most cases, their cancer has spread to the lungs, soft tissue, bone, liver, skin and nervous system pusatsewaktu detected.

What is the cause is? 

According to Dato 'Dr. Ibrahim Wahid, Consultant and President of the Association of Oncology Malaysia Oncology, until now no specific cause can be clearly attributed as the source of the disease. "However, it could be influenced by the unhealthy lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, smoking and eat more foods high in fat" she said.

However, for individuals who have family history in the RCC, they have a higher risk of getting the disease than others.

How RCC Happened? 

Kidney cancer is a disease in which the kidney cells grew more severe and growing out of control. In many kidney cancer, a tumor will start to look at the delicate lining of the kidney. RCC is a malignant cancer that most often occurs in the kidney and normally it can not receive chemotherapy with either. RCC began with the formation of a benign unilateral (on one side), specks or coiled. It may be great for up to seven centimeters (three inches). It can also start as a tumor in its blood vessels connecting the kidney.

When cancer grows larger, it spreads to other organs or body parts by abnormal blood vessels had entered the urinary tract and blood vessels of the heart. What is worrying is that kidney cancer can spread to other organs or had metastasis before showing any symptoms. Among the most affected organ is the lung, soft tissue, bone, liver and brain.

Signs And Symptoms 

Most cases of kidney cancer or RCC no early signs. Signs can only be detected when the disease reached a serious stage or spread to another. However, among the signs that can be seen among people with RCC (mostly when he was on the fourth level) is as follows:

• Urine contains blood (haematuria)

• Fatigue 
• Rapid weight reduction 
• Pain in the lateral (side) 
• Backache• Still sweating 
• Feeling depressed or prone to hypertension
• Hypertension 

Treatment Options  
Advanced kidney cancer or the third and fourth stages are very difficult to treat and it does not respond to chemotherapy or hormone therapy used to treat other cancers. Despite having a more powerful drugs, it has severe side effects to patients, such as extreme fatigue and severe skin allergic reactions, especially in the hands and feet. Between the treatment and therapy for these patients were as follows: 

The use of drugs such as interleukin-2 'and' interferon-alpha. Though it can help shrink the tumor, but it is a serious side effects, and only 6 to 15 percent of patients respond to medication with respect to the extension of life for 3-5 months and 25% reduction in the risk of cancer to spread or expand.

Income sorafenib drug in pill form taken meals 2 times a day gives great hope to patients. The drugs are designed with two main functions acting on the cancer cells and blood vessels in cancer. It acts to inhibit the action of receptor kinase is responsible for promoting the growth of the cancer and stop the formation of new blood vessels that supply cancer cells nutrienpada.

Review Assessment Approach in Renal Cancer Global Evaluation (targets) of 769 patients with kidney cancer stage three and four in 19 countries found that the rate of lengthening life expectancy of patients receiving sorafenib drug of 19.3 months longer than the control group (patients are given drugs free) of only 15.9 months.

The study also found, the risk of tumor spread or the patient died on treatment was also reduced by 50 percent. A total of 84 percent of patients given sorafenib showed that the condition under control or better than only 55 percent of the control group.


Non-metastatic RCC is usually treated with surgery to remove the affected kidney. However, if the tumor can not be removed by surgery, most likely it was serious and systematic treatment of others should be done.

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