Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kidney Cancer (Part 2): 8 Tips Secrets How To Ensure Safe Keeping Kidney

1 # Monitor Your Blood Pressure and Sugar Levels
The two main causes that can affect the health of your kidneys is diabetes and high blood pressure. Excessive sugar in the blood for a long period will damage the delicate millions of cells between the two kidneys.

To your knowledge, the maximum recommended daily consumption of sugar by the World Health Organization (WHO) is only 50 grams (gm).
High blood pressure also can damage delicate blood vessels to your kidneys. This damage can affect kidney function as a 'filter' of fluid that is not needed by the body. 

2 # Balancing Daily Nutrition!  

Guide pyramid nutrition food intake or by balancing your meals with the requirements of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and less fat. To ensure your kidneys are always quality, you need to take more vegetables and fruits. Reduce intake of nuts, spinach, soy beans, chocolate and potatoes, as it will increase the risk of kidney stones.

3 # Reduce intake of meat  
Diets high in animal protein will facilitate the formation of kidney stones due to excessive calcium accumulation. Meat usually will produce uric acid after it is processed by the body. In addition to corals, excess uric acid can cause gout.

4 # Reduce Salt Intake  
Excessive salt intake can also increase your blood pressure. In addition, excess salt will also cause much more fluid accumulated in the body or also known as water retention. This will make your kidneys will 'deploy' to work excessively. 

According to the Food Regulations 2010 Diet recommends salt intake does not exceed one teaspoon or 5 grams of salt, equivalent to 2000 milligrams of sodium a day, and is in line with WHO recommendations (2007). The study also found that high salt intake is associated with increased blood pressure.
You are also advised to monitor the intake of foods containing a lot of hidden salt, such as canned foods, fast foods, citrus or marinated foods.

5 # Drinking Water  
Adequate water plays an important role to help the kidneys eliminate excess toxins. However, excessive drinking is not good for kidney health. Hence, try to keep the recommended intake of about 2-3 liters per day or eight cups according to the needs of the body, age and activity.

6 # No Smoking  
Smoking not only increases two-fold risk of kidney cancer deserang otherwise contribute to the risk of death from other diseases such as heart attacks.

7 # Reduce Caffeine Intake  
Caffeine has the advantage of absorbing fluid in the body. Thus, excessive intake may make the body easy to become dehydrated. Body of dehydration or dehydration will cause your kidneys to work harder to get rid of fluid or toxins from the body is not required. It gives too much pressure on your kidneys. Thus, it is better if you switch to coffee or tea does not contain caffeine.

8 # Life More Active!  
Do not forget to exercise because exercise is good for overall health. However, if you have kidney disease, you should choose a more leisurely activities such as walking, yoga or gardening. 

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