Saturday, February 26, 2011

Secrets How Grapes Helps Control Weight

Do you like grapes? If you say no, I think you should read my article was to share with you below. There is an important secret that I want you to know about grapes for the good of your health.
Grapes are the fruit of the earliest emerging and known for good taste, good health and always be used as an ingredient in cooking. The fruit is included in Vitis species and is native to the Mediterranean, central Europe, Southwest Asia, Western Morocco and Spain, Northern Germany and Northern Iran.
Grape is a small, round or oval berry. The fruit has a thin skin. Some fruits contain seeds that are edible, while some types of fruit that has no seeds.
The fruit grows from the stem of woody vine in the family Vitaceae. Grapes grow in clusters of 6 to 300 stems, and available in black, blue, brown, green, purple, red, pink, brown, yellow and white gold.
To your knowledge, indigenous grapes are red and black. This type contains a lot of anthocyanin, an antioxidant polyphenolic are many advantages to human health. While catechin is abundant phenolic in white grapes. Phenolic content of the skin depends on the type of grape, soil, climate, geography, cultural practices, and exposure to fungal infection. Grapes are also rich in ellagic acid, a type of flavonoid that is said to fight cancer.
Of late, the grapes have become the focus of nutrition experts due to the effect called 'French Paradox'. Nutrition experts wondered why the French have a long lifetime of living despite their diet is high in saturated fat.
Apparently the heart protective effect is said to be associated with the consumption of red wine are believed to contain protective substances called Resveratol.
Resveratol an effective agent for the prevention of cancer due to its ability to block many steps in the process of carcinogenesis (the process of formation and development of cancer). Benefits of red or purple grapes to health care is due to pigment-pigment concentrate that much on the skin and seeds when compared with the pulp. Grape juice works in a variety of ways in the cardiovascular system.
Pigment in red grapes, purple and black to protect the cardiovascular system via multiple mechanisms, including holding a blood clot, blocking the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reduce levels of homocysteine and anti-atherosclerotic.
Antioxidants in grapes is said to boost immunity and prevent deterioration maskular problem, and aging signs of the other. Grapes is also said to alkalize the blood and acts as an intestinal cleanser and a good heart.
In addition, grapes is also said to act as a digestive tonic. If grape juice mixed with apple juice is good to clean the liver and kidneys. Acid in the juice stimulates the liver and bile secretion, thus preventing heart problems. Tartaric acid also acts as a laxative and prevent constipation. However, the grapes must be ripe for a young grape acids are not good for the blood.
Instant Energy  

Grapes is also a source of quick energy because it contains a number of easily digestible sugars. High water content in grape to prevent kidney stones in the kidney and bladder stones in the way of destroying the hard material that has gone into this section. The combination of water, potassium and low salt acts as a diuretic which is useful in kidney problems.
Grapes contain metal elements which are not so high but this organic iron is more easily absorbed and it is useful to those who suffer from Anemia. Grapes is also said to soothe the nervous system, relieve fever, migraine and asthma.
Grapes are also low in calories and is suitable for weight control. Fruit bright or white grape is said to have properties to increase iron in the body while helping to prevent fatigue.
Grape juice is rubbed on the face can act as an astringent and strengthening the muscles of the face. The seeds also yield oil that can be eaten. Grape seed extract may be used as a food supplement.
Taking grape seed extract can strengthen capillary walls and is suitable for the treatment of venous insufficiency and edema after surgery. Taking grape seed extract may reduce the risk of blood clots.
Finally, you know the secrets of how the grapes can make your body stay healthy and fit. So, start your life today by eating a grape for a long-lasting health! 

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